Abreo, Jo Ann, 244
Acorn squash
Acorn Squash, 164
Cinnamon Acorn Squash Rings, 174
Alexander, Georgianna, 149
Allen, Jeanette, 90, 148, 327
Allgood, Liz, 320
Almond and Orange Salad, 100
Almond Chicken Casserole, 232
Appetizers. See also Dips; Spreads
Asparagus Sandwiches, 38
Bacon-Chestnut Appetizers, 38
Bacon Roll-Ups, 39
Bacon-Tomato Cocktail Rounds, 39
Cheese Ball, 39
Cheese Cookies, 40
Cheese Mold, 40–41
Chicken Bites with Sweet-Hot Tomato
Chutney, 41
Chocolate Chip Cheese Ball, 41
Cream Cheese and Pineapple Finger
Sandwiches, 42
Cream Puffs, 43
Cucumber Party Sandwiches, 43
Double Oink Roll-Ups, 44
Famous Tomato Sandwiches, 44–45
Fruit Cheese Ball, 45
Glorified Grapes, 46–47
Granny Smith Apples with Caramel
Fondue, 47
Ham and Cheese Tarts, 47
Jalapeño and Pimiento Squares, 49
Jezebel Sauce and Cream Cheese, 50
Killer Sausage Balls, 50
Lemon Tea Sandwiches, 51
Olive Spread Tea Sandwiches, 51
Salmon Ball, 52
Sausage Balls in Cheese Pastry, 53
Shrimp Mold, 54
Shrimp Wrapped in Bacon, 54
Spiced Olives, 54
Spinach Balls, 55
Spinach Roll-Ups, 55
Stuffed Cherry Tomatoes, 56–57
Sugared Nuts, 57
Sweet and Sour Meatballs, 57
Tea Sandwiches, 58
Tomato Chutney, 127
Tuna Salad Mini Sandwiches, 58
Zucchini-Parmesan Appetizer Bread, 150
Apple Brown Betty, 347
Apple Butter, 80
Apple Chutney, 124
Apple Cole Slaw, 101
Apple Dumplings, 347
Apple Fritters, 348
Apple-Mint Jelly, 80
Apple Muffins, 153
Apple Pie, 325
Apple Walnut Cake, 274
Baked Apples, 165
Cheese Apples, 174
Chunky Cranberry Applesauce, 132
Crunchy Apple Salad, 106
Dried Apple & Egg Custard Pie, 330
Fresh Apple Cake, 287
Granny Smith Apples with Caramel Fondue, 47
Hot Apple Crisp, 352
Hot Curried Fruit, 191
“Not Apple Salad!”, 118
Oven Apple Butter, 84
Stewed Apples, 202
Waldorf Salad, 121
Apricot Baked Chicken, 233
Artichoke hearts
Hot Artichoke Dip, 48
Hot Spinach Artichoke Dip, 49
Asparagus Casserole, 164
Asparagus Chicken Casserole, 233
Asparagus Sandwiches, 38
Asparagus Vegetable Casserole, 164–165
Asparagus with Ham, 221
Jill’s Asparagus, 191
BaBa (Billie Van Dyke’s grandmother), 21
Bacon, Lettuce, and Tomato Dip, 38
Bacon-Chestnut Appetizers, 38
Bacon Roll-Ups, 39
Bacon-Tomato Cocktail Rounds, 39
Double Oink Roll-Ups, 44
Fried Red Tomatoes and Creamed Gravy, 184–185
Shrimp Wrapped in Bacon, 54
Sophia’s Green Beans in Blankets, 200
Bailey, Bobbi, 275
Baines, Nellie, 214
Baker, Charles, 21, 23
Baker, Dennis, 21, 22–23
Baker, Dorothy “Dot”, 21, 22–23
Baker, Herman “Pop”, 21
Baker, Jimmy, 21
Baker, Liz, 23
Baker, Nita Jean, 21
Baking dish sizes, 373–374
Alabama “Blue Ribbon” Banana Pudding, 342
Banana Bars, 262–263
Banana Boats, 358
Banana-Nut Bread, 140
Banana Pudding, 342
Banana Split Cake, 274–275
Best Banana Pie, The, 326
Blueberry-Banana-Pecan-Nut Cake, 277
Double Strawberry-Banana Shake, 359
Spiced Mixed Fruit, 201
Bar cookies
Banana Bars, 262–263
Blue Willow Squares, 263
Chewies, 264–265
Chocolate Scotcheroos, 265
Cream Cheese Peanut Bars, 265
Deluxe Chocolate Marshmallow Bars, 267
Easy Lemon Squares, 267
Fudge Cuts, 268–269
Lemon Squares, 270–271
Pineapple Squares, 271
Beans. See also Green beans
Baked Beans, 166
Garbanzo Bean Soup (Chickpeas), 92
Governor Mark Sanford’s Favorite Butter Bean
Casserole, 186–187
Morgan & Seth’s Wacky Beans, 194–195
Pinto Beans, 196
quantities for large groups, 365
Beaseley, Vivian, 41, 115, 143
Baked Beans, 166
Beef Hash, 212
Beef Stroganoff, 212
Betty Whitman’s Hamburger Casserole, 212–213
Bob’s Blue Ribbon Favorite, “Rileyhouse Beef Stew”, 213
Brunswick Stew, 90
Chipped Beef with White Gravy, 213
cooking guide, 371–372
Country Fried Steak, 214
Dried Beef Dip, 44
Easy Oven Stew, 214
Ground Chuck Casserole, 215
Hamburger Stroganoff, 215
Hawkins Swiss Steak, 216
Hot Beef Dip, 48
Lasagna, 216–217
Liver and Onions, 217
Louis’ Dad’s North Carolina Brunswick Stew, 94
Meatloaf, 218
Morgan & Seth’s Wacky Beans, 194–195
Picadillo with Capers, 52
Pot Roast, 220
President Ronald Reagan’s Favorite Beef Stew, 219
quantities for large groups, 365
Roast Beef, 219
Steak Rolls with Sour Cream Sauce, 220–221
Sweet and Sour Meatballs, 57
Swiss Steak, 221
Harvard Beets, 189
Bertha Upshaw Club House, 19, 26
Beverages, cold and frozen. See also Punches
Bellini, 62
Cherry Jubilee Splash, 62
Chocolate Iced Coffee, 63
Classic Cola Float, 63
Coffee-House Slush, 63
Double Strawberry-Banana Shake, 359
labels for, 61
Low-Fat Cappuccino Cooler, 65
Magnolia Blossoms, 65
Mimosa, 66
Mint Julep, 66
Poppa’s Eggnog, 66–67
quantities for large groups, 364
Scuppernong Juice, 85
Strawberry Lemonade, 69
Swamp Breeze, 67
Sweet Southern Tea, 68
Syllabub, 75
Three-Fruit Yogurt Shake, 68
Bevan, Diane, 157
Beverages, hot
Cherry Cordial Hot Chocolate, 62
Holiday or Spiced Tea, 64
Hot Chocolate, 64
quantities for large groups, 364
spiced tea or cider, 72
Winter Wassail, 77
Billie’s at the American Legion, 25–26, 27, 29
Billie’s Classic Country Dining, 23–25
Billie’s Family Restaurant, 25
Angel Biscuits, 150–151
Blue Willow Buttermilk Biscuits, 151
Buttery Biscuit Rolls, 156
Cheesy Drop Biscuits, 151
Sweet Potato Biscuits, 152
Bish, Teresa, 291
Blackberry Cobbler, 345
Old-Fashioned Blackberry Roll, 348
Black-eyed peas
Black-Eyed Peas, 167
Hoppin’ John, 190–191
North Georgia Caviar, 117
Blueberry-Banana-Pecan-Nut Cake, 277
Blueberry Cobbler, 345
Blueberry Dessert, 349
Blueberry Jam, 81
Blueberry Muffins, 156
Blueberry Salad, 102
Blueberry Sauce, 130
Blueberry Topping, 355
Bridge-Luncheon Frozen Fruit Salad, 103
Fresh Fruit and Cheese in Pineapple Wedges, 110–111
Old South Berry Blue Pie, 338–339
Blue-plate special, 17
Blue Willow china, 16–17, 20
Blue Willow Inn Restaurant, The
atmosphere of, 20
awards earned by, 31
banquet facilities, 20
buffet service at, 20
china collection, 20
Dining in Historic Georgia (Godbey), 30
early history of building, 17–19
food philosophy, 16
Lewis Grizzard appreciation of, 30–31
location of, 17–18
media interest in, 30–32
menu examples, 32–36
opening of, 19, 29
popularity of, 20, 31–32
Bowyer, Shirley Smith, 66, 135, 165, 175
Breads and rolls. See also Biscuits; Corn breads; Muffins
Banana-Nut Bread, 140
Beignets, 158
Bran Raisin Bread, 140
Buttery Biscuit Rolls, 156
Cinnamon Breakfast Rolls, 156–157
Gift of the Magi Bread, 142–143
Gingerbread, 143
Gramma’s Rolls, 157
Grandma’s Strawberry Nut Loaf, 144
Granny Julia’s Sausage Bread, 144–145
Green Tomato Bread, 145
Hot Cross Buns, 160
Journey Cakes, 155
Knee Caps, 155
Sally Lunn Bread, 146–147
Skillet Corn Bread, 147
Sourdough Bread, 148
Sweet Potato Bread, 150
Yeast Rolls, 161
Zucchini-Parmesan Appetizer Bread, 150
Breakfast dishes
Beignets, 158
Christmas Breakfast Casserole, 223
Cinnamon Breakfast Rolls, 156–157
Company Breakfast Strata, 224
Eggs Golden, 182
French Toast, 161
Knee Caps, 155
Pancakes, 159
Sausage and Egg Casserole, 230
Waffles, 162
Broccoli Casserole, 170
Broccoli Salad, 103
Chicken Divine, 236–237
Ham & Broccoli Noodle Casserole, 227
Marinated Vegetable Salad, 112
Vegetable Pilaf, 207
Aunt France’s Brownie Recipe, 262
Babe’s Brownie Stuff, 262
Brownie Trifle, 349
Buttermilk Brownies, 264
Crème de Menthe Squares, 266
Grandmother Alice’s Brownies, 269
Louis’ Brownies, 271
Triple-Layer Brownies, 272–273
Butler, Deborah, 289
Butler, June, 333
Butler, Rhett, 18
Cabbage Casserole, 172
Cabbage Relish, 125
Chow-Chow, 125
Cole Slaw, 105
Cooked Cabbage, 175
Fried Cabbage, 183
Red Cabbage and Cranberry Relish, 127
Amy’s Orange Pineapple Layer Cake, 273
Apple Walnut Cake, 274
Banana Split Cake, 274–275
Birthday Cake, 275
Bishop’s Cake, 277
Blueberry-Banana-Pecan-Nut Cake, 277
Brown Sugar Pound Cake, 278
Burnt Sugar Cake, 276
Cameo Cake with White Chocolate Frosting, 278–279
Caramel Cake, 280
Celestial Snow Cake, 279
Chocolate Cherry Cake, 281
Chocolate Pound Cake, 282–283
Coca-Cola Cake with Broiled Peanut Butter
Frosting, 283
Country Lane Cake, 284
Dirt Cake, 286, 359
Dutch Chocolate Cake, 285
Eight-Layer Butter Cake, 286
Feud Cake, 287
Fresh Apple Cake, 287
Fresh Coconut Cake from Scratch, 288
Frosted Creams, 268
Fruit Cake, 290
Grasshoppers, 270
Green Velvet Cake, 289
Hershey’s Syrup Cake, 291
Hummingbird Cake, 290–291
Ice Cream Cake, 292
Italian Cream Cake, 292–293
Lane Cake, 294
Lemon Meringue Cake, 295
Nell’s Carrot Cake, 282
Nell’s Peanut Butter Cake, 297
1-2-3-4 Cake, 293
Orange-Coconut Cake, 298
Peanut Butter Cake, 298–299
Peppermint Angel Food Cake, 300
Peppermint Chiffon Cake, 299
Petra’s “Not Just Right” Pound Cake, 301
Pineapple Nut Cake, 302
Pineapple Upside-Down Cake, 302–303
Prune Spice Cake, 303
Punch Bowl Cake, 304
quantities for large groups, 365
Red Velvet Cake, 304–305
Rum Cake, 305
7-Up Cake, 306
Southern Delight Butter Pecan Cake, 306–307
Strawberry Cake, 307
Texas Sheet Cake, 308–309
Watermelon Cake, 309
Buttermilk Pralines, 310
Cranberry-Pear Fruit Jellies, 310–311
Cream Cheese Mints, 311
Divinity, 312
Donna’s Fudge, 312
Garbage Bag Candy, 360
Mamie Eisenhower’s Million-Dollar Fudge, 312–313
Merry Cherry Fudge, 313
Mints, 313
Peanut Brittle, 314
Peppermint Brickle, 314
Pralines, 314–315
Rocky Road, 315
Strawberry Candies, 315
temperature stages and tests, 374
temperature stages by type, 375
Yummy Candy, 362
Canning and pickling fruits and vegetables, 88
Can size chart, 367
Carrot Casserole, 173
Carrot-Raisin Salad, 104
Carrots au Gratin, 172
Carrots Vichy, 174
Glazed Carrots, 186
Nell’s Carrot Cake, 282
quantities for large groups, 365
Cartwright, Louise, 339
Almond Chicken Casserole, 232
Asparagus Chicken Casserole, 233
Baked Pineapple Casserole, 168
Betty Whitman’s Hamburger Casserole, 212–213
Blue Willow Chicken Casserole, 234
Blue Willow Corn Pudding, 169
Broccoli Casserole, 170
Cabbage Casserole, 172
Carrot Casserole, 173
Carrots au Gratin, 172
Casserole of Chops, 222–223
Cauliflower-Cheese Casserole, 173
Cheese Apples, 174
Cheese Casserole, 175
Cheesy Ham Potato Casserole, 223
Chicken and Dressing Casserole, 236
Chicken and Rice, 234
Chicken and Rice Casserole, 235
Chicken Casserole, 235
Chicken Divine, 236–237
Chicken Macaroni, 237
Chicken Noodle Delight, 238
Chicken Pecan Pasta, 238–239
Chicken Pot Pie, 240
Chicken Spectacular, 241
Chicken Tetrazzini, 240–241
Christmas Breakfast Casserole, 223
Company Breakfast Strata, 224
Corn Casserole, 176
Corn Pudding, 177
Crab Casserole, 249
Crabmeat Casserole, 250
Eggplant Casserole, 181
Governor Mark Sanford’s Favorite Butter Bean
Casserole, 186–187
Green Bean and Corn Casserole, 187
Green Bean Casserole, 188
Green Pea Casserole, 188
Grits Casserole, 189
Ground Chuck Casserole, 215
Ham & Broccoli Noodle Casserole, 227
Lee’s Baked Garlic Cheese Grits, 192
Lynn’s Sausage Casserole, 218
Macaroni and Cheese and Corn Bake, 192
Martha Washington’s Turkey Potpie, 242–243
Mom’s Sweet Potato Casserole, 194
Poppy Seed Chicken, 244
Potatoes au Gratin, 196
Potato Soufflé, 196–197
Sausage and Egg Casserole, 230
Sausage Casserole, 231
Savannah Red Rice, 198
Savannah Shrimp and Rice, 252
Scalloped Potatoes, 198
Seafood au Gratin, 254
Sherried Fruit, 198–199
Shrimp & Wild Rice Casserole, 254–255
Sophia’s Squash Casserole, 200
Squash Casserole, 201
Tomato-Corn Casserole, 205
Tuna Casserole, 255
Vegetable Casserole, 207
Vidalia Onion Casserole, 208
Vidalia Onion Shortcake, 209
Cast iron, seasoning, 147
Catholic Church ban on tomatoes, 15
Cauliflower-Cheese Casserole, 173
Marinated Vegetable Salad, 112
Chadwick, Evelyn, 344
Baked Corn Chex and Cheese, 167
Blender Soufflé, 168
Blue Willow Inn’s Mac & Cheese, 169
Cauliflower-Cheese Casserole, 173
Cheese Apples, 174
Cheese Ball, 39
Cheese Casserole, 175
Cheese Cookies, 40
Cheese Mold, 40–41
Cheese Sauces, 131
Cheese Spread, 85
Cheesy Drop Biscuits, 151
Cheesy Ham Potato Casserole, 223
Chocolate Chip Cheese Ball, 41
Chutney-Onion Cheese Spread, 86
Fresh Fruit and Cheese in Pineapple Wedges, 110–111
Fruit Cheese Ball, 45
Ham and Cheese Pie, 226
Ham and Cheese Tarts, 47
Lee’s Baked Garlic Cheese Grits, 192
Macaroni and Cheese and Corn Bake, 192
quantities for large groups, 366
Slow-Cooker Macaroni and Cheese, 199
Zucchini-Parmesan Appetizer Bread, 150
Cheesecake, 280–281
Cherry Cheese Pie, 326–327
Mascarpone Cheesecake, 296
Cherry Cheese Pie, 326–327
Cherry Cobbler, 346
Cherry Cordial Hot Chocolate, 62
Cherry Dessert, 350
Cherry Fluff, 358
Cherry Jubilee Splash, 62
Chocolate Cherry Cake, 281
Frozen Bing Cherry Salad, 102
Merry Cherry Fudge, 313
Roast Pork with Spiced Cherry Sauce, 229
Almond Chicken Casserole, 232
Ann Lowe’s Chicken Stew, 90
Apricot Baked Chicken, 233
Asparagus Chicken Casserole, 233
Baked Chicken, 233
Blue Willow Chicken Casserole, 234
Chicken and Dressing Casserole, 236
Chicken and Dumplings, 90–91
Chicken and Rice, 234
Chicken and Rice Casserole, 235
Chicken Bites with Sweet-Hot Tomato Chutney, 41
Chicken Casserole, 235
Chicken Divine, 236–237
Chicken Fry-Bake, 237
Chicken Macaroni, 237
Chicken Noodle Delight, 238
Chicken Pecan Pasta, 238–239
Chicken Pie with Sweet Potato Crust, 239
Chicken Pot Pie, 240
Chicken Salad, 104
Chicken Spectacular, 241
Chicken Tetrazzini, 240–241
Company Chicken Salad, 106
cooking guide, 372
Dried Fruit Pilaf, 180
Elegant Chicken Salad, 108
Fried Chicken Livers, 242
Grilled Lemon Pepper Chicken, 242
Hot Chicken Salad, 111
Louis’ Dad’s North Carolina Brunswick Stew, 94
Mama’s Fried Chicken, 244
Orange-Pecan Glazed Chicken and Wild Rice, 245
Oven-Fried Chicken, 244–245
Pecan-Encrusted Chicken, 246
Poppy Seed Chicken, 244
quantities for large groups, 365
Southern Fried Chicken, 247
Stuffed Chicken Breast, 247
Chlapowski, Ann, 272
Aunt France’s Brownie Recipe, 262
Buttermilk Brownies, 264
Cameo Cake with White Chocolate Frosting, 278–279
Chocolate Cherry Cake, 281
Chocolate Chess Pie, 327
Chocolate Chip Cheese Ball, 41
Chocolate Chip Cookies, 317
Chocolate Delight, 350
Chocolate Iced Coffee, 63
Chocolate Lovers’ Easy Pie, 328
Chocolate Macaroons, 317
Chocolate Meringue Pie, 328
Chocolate Mousse, 350–351
Chocolate Pound Cake, 282–283
Chocolate Pudding, 344
Chocolate Scotcheroos, 265
Crème de Menthe Squares, 266
Death by Chocolate, 284–285
Deluxe Chocolate Marshmallow Bars, 267
Donna’s Fudge, 312
Dutch Chocolate Cake, 285
Eight-Layer Butter Cake, 286
French Silk Chocolate Pie, 331
Fudge Cuts, 268–269
Grandmother Alice’s Brownies, 269
Grasshoppers, 270
Hershey’s Syrup Cake, 291
Louis’ Brownies, 271
Mamie Eisenhower’s Million-Dollar Fudge, 312–313
Merry Cherry Fudge, 313
Mississippi Mud Pie, 338
Pea-Choc, 361
Rocky Road, 315
S’mores, 361
Snow-Capped Chocolate Pie, 341
Texas Sheet Cake, 308–309
Triple Chocolate Clusters, 272
Triple-Layer Brownies, 272–273
White Chocolate Macadamia Nut Cookies, 322
Chowders. See Soups, stews, and chowders
Christmas dinner menu, 35–36
Chutney. See Relishes
Clack, Jimmy, 114, 213
Quick-and-Easy Clam Chowder, 97
Chocolate Macaroons, 317
Coconut Cream Pie, 329
Coconut Pie, 330
Fresh Coconut Cake from Scratch, 288
Orange-Coconut Cake, 298
Banbury Tarts, 316
Chewy Oatmeal Cookies, 316–317
Chocolate Chip Cookies, 317
Chocolate Macaroons, 317
Date Balls, 266
Granny’s Sugar Cookies, 320
Meringue Cookies, 318
Noel Crisps, 318
Oatmeal Cookies, 318–319
Old-Fashioned Tea Cakes, 321
Peanut Butter Balls, 361
Rolled-Out Cookies, 319
Sugar Cookies, 320–321
Tea Cakes, 322
Triple Chocolate Clusters, 272
White Chocolate Macadamia Nut Cookies, 322
Corasaniti, Amy, 273
Baked Corn Chex and Cheese, 167
Blue Willow Corn Pudding, 169
Corn, 176
Corn Casserole, 176
Corn Chowder, 91
Corn Pudding, 177
Corn Salsa, 126
Creamed Corn, 178
Fried Corn, 183
Green Bean and Corn Casserole, 187
importance of in Southern cooking, 14–15
Macaroni and Cheese and Corn Bake, 192
Tomato-Corn Casserole, 205
Vegetable Casserole, 207
Corn breads
Cheddar Corn Bread, 142
Corn Bread Dressing, 177
Corn Bread or Corn Muffins, 154
Corn Bread Salad, 105
Crackling Bread, 142
Red and Green Confetti Corn Bread, 146
Hushpuppies, 145
importance of in Southern cooking, 15
Southern Spoon Bread, 149
Spoon Bread, 149
Crab Cakes, 249
Crab Casserole, 249
Crab Chowder, 92
Crab Dip, 42
Crabmeat Casserole, 250
Maryland Vegetable Crab Soup, 95
Mildred’s Imperial Crab, 250–251
Pine-Bark Stew, 251
Seafood au Gratin, 254
Seafood Gumbo, 253
She-Crab Soup, 97
Baked Cranberry Sauce, 130
Cabernet Cranberries, 131
Chunky Cranberry Applesauce, 132
Cranberry-Ambrosia Cream Cheese Spread, 86
Cranberry Nut Topping, 355
Cranberry-Orange Relish, 126
Cranberry-Pear Fruit Jellies, 310–311
Red Cabbage and Cranberry Relish, 127
Bread and Butter Pickles, 124
Cucumber Party Sandwiches, 43
Marinated Vegetable Salad, 112
Dally, Becky, 48
Dalton, Lois, 103, 233, 266
Davis, Lynda, 323
DeMoss, Sophia, 182
Desserts. See also Bar cookies; Brownies; Cakes; Cookies;
Frozen desserts and salads; Pies; Puddings
Ambrosia, 100–101
Apple Brown Betty, 347
Apple Dumplings, 347
Apple Fritters, 348
Blackberry Cobbler, 345
Blueberry Cobbler, 345
Blueberry Dessert, 349
Blueberry Salad, 102
Brownie Trifle, 349
Cheesecake, 280–281
Cherry Cobbler, 346
Cherry Dessert, 350
Chocolate Delight, 350
Chocolate Mousse, 350–351
CrèmeBrulée, 351
Crêpes, 158–159
Death by Chocolate, 284–285
Eggnog Mousse, 351
Floating Islands, 352
Frozen Lemon Squares, 268
Gingerbread, 143
Hot Apple Crisp, 352
Lemon Lush, 352–353
Lemon Sponge Custard, 353
Mascarpone Cheesecake, 296
Old-Fashioned Blackberry Roll, 348
Peach Cobbler, 346
quantities for large groups, 365
Sherry Soup, 98
Stewed Apples, 202
Strawberry Delight, 354
Strawberry Pretzel Delight, 272
Strawberry Shortcake, 308
Dina, Joyce, 42, 58, 98, 140, 167, 173
Dining in Historic Georgia (Godbey), 30
Dinner, 14
Dips. See also Fruit dips
Bacon, Lettuce, and Tomato Dip, 38
Crab Dip, 42
Dried Beef Dip, 44
Flamingo Floyd’s Spinach Dip, 45
Hot Artichoke Dip, 48
Hot Beef Dip, 48
Hot Shrimp Dip, 48–49
Hot Spinach Artichoke Dip, 49
Marshmallow Fruit Dip, 46
Oyster Dip, 51
Picadillo with Capers, 52
Shrimp Dip, 53
Spinach Dip, 55
Virginia’s Vidalia Onion Dip, 58
Watercress Dip or Spread, 59
Dressing or stuffing
Corn Bread Dressing, 177
Mincemeat Stuffing, 193
Squash Dressing, 202
Dykes, Joanne 194, 231
Easter Sunday menu, 32–33
Edgerly, Dale, 22, 23
Edgerly, Donna, 22
Edgerly, William “Bill”, Jr, 21–22
Edgerly, William “Chip”, III, 22, 25
Eggplant and Tomatoes, 181
Eggplant Casserole, 181
Farmer’s Garden Stew, 182–183
Stuffed Eggplant, 203
Blender Soufflé, 168
Christmas Breakfast Casserole, 223
Company Breakfast Strata, 224
Deviled Eggs, 179
Deviled Ham Stuffed Eggs, 180
Eggs Golden, 182
Molded Egg Salad, 116
Sausage and Egg Casserole, 230
Sweet Potato Soufflé, 204
Elder, Jean, 91, 130, 151, 310
Equivalents chart, 368–371
Exley, Annie Laura, 21
Exley, Marvin, 21
Father’s Day menu, 33–34
Fig Preserves, 81
Fig-Strawberry Preserves, 81
First Prize Winners
Appetizers and Hors d’Oeuvre (Vivian Beasley), 41
Beverages and Punches (Shirley Smith Bowyer), 66
Breads (Judy Suggs), 144
Jellies and Sauces (Nancy Posner), 83
Meats and Main Dishes (Nancy Morris), 232
Soups and Salads (Buddy Logan), 109
Vegetables and Side Dishes (Mary Landress), 202
Baked Flounder, 248
Catfish Stew, 248
Fried Catfish, 250
Pine-Bark Stew, 251
quantities for large groups, 365
Salmon Ball, 52
Salmon Croquettes, 252
Seafood au Gratin, 254
Fourth of July menu, 34
Franks, Chris, 45
Fried green tomatoes, 15
Apple Fritters, 348
Fritters, 141
Hushpuppies, 145
Broiled Peanut Butter Frosting, 283
Burnt Sugar Frosting, 276
Butter Pecan Frosting, 306–307
Cameo Cake with White Chocolate Frosting, 278–279
Coconut Icing, 302
Cream Cheese Frosting, 282, 291, 292–293
Frosting, 279, 281, 284, 285, 286, 287, 289, 294, 303, 304–305, 306, 308–309
Icing, 309, 320–321, 338
Orange-Coconut Frosting, 298
Peanut Butter Frosting, 297, 299
Pink Peppermint Frosting, 300
Seven-Minute Icing, 288, 356
Strawberry Cake Frosting, 307
Frozen desserts and salads
Amelia Mud Pie, 325
Babe’s Brownie Stuff, 262
Boiled Custard Ice Cream, 322–323
Bridge-Luncheon Frozen Fruit Salad, 103
Cool Lemon Sherbet, 323
Frozen Bing Cherry Salad, 102
Frozen Lemonade Pie, 333
Frozen Lemon Squares, 268
Frozen Orange Balls, 360
Ice Cream Cake, 292
Ice Cream Pie, 334
Ice Cream Sandwich Dessert, 360–361
Martha Jane’s Homemade Ice Cream, 323
Peppermint Ice Cream, 324
Pineapple Sherbet, 324
quantities for large groups, 366
Snow Ice Cream, 362
Vanilla Custard Ice Cream, 324–325
Vanilla Ice Cream, 324
Bridge-Luncheon Frozen Fruit Salad, 103
Fresh Fruit and Cheese in Pineapple Wedges, 110–111
Fritters, 141
Fruit Cake, 290
Fruit Cheese Ball, 45
Hot Curried Fruit, 191
pickling and canning, 88
quantities for large groups, 365
Sherried Fruit, 198–199
Spiced Mixed Fruit, 201
Fruit dips
Fruit Dip, 46
Marshmallow Fruit Dip, 46
Strawberries with Fluffy Cream Cheese Dip, 56
Strawberries with Mint Yogurt Dip, 56
Fuller, Frances Hawkins, 216
Galbraith, Anne, 50, 98, 319
Gasaway, Juanita, 177
Godbey, Marty, 30
Stuffed Wild Goose, 258
Goucher, Marilyn, 67, 190, 224
Grace, Lynn, 218, 273, 339
Grapes. See alsoMuscadine grapes; Scuppernong grapes
Fresh Fruit and Cheese in Pineapple Wedges, 110–111
Glorified Grapes, 46–47
Grape Salad, 110
Chipped Beef with White Gravy, 213
Creamy Gravy, 257
Fried Ham with Redeye Gravy, 224–225
Giblet Gravy, 137
Pan or Cream Gravy, 137
Roux, 137
Sausage and Gravy, 231
Sausage Gravy, 138
Tomato Gravy, 138
Green beans
Barbecued Green Beans, 165
Green Bean and Corn Casserole, 187
Green Bean Casserole, 188
Green Beans, 188
Sophia’s Green Beans in Blankets, 200
Vegetable Casserole, 207
Collard Greens, 175
Turnip Greens, 206
Watercress Dip or Spread, 59
Green tomatoes
Blue Willow Inn’s Famous Fried Green Tomatoes, 170
Chow-Chow, 125
fried green tomatoes, 15
Green Tomato Bread, 145
Green Tomato Marmalade, 82
Green Tomato Pie, 188–189
Grits Casserole, 189
Lee’s Baked Garlic Cheese Grits, 192
Grizzard, Lewis, 30–31
Guerine, Nancy, 146
Asparagus with Ham, 221
Cheesy Ham Potato Casserole, 223
Company Breakfast Strata, 224
cooking guide, 372
Deviled Ham Stuffed Eggs, 180
Fresh Ham, 225
Fried Ham with Redeye Gravy, 224–225
Grilled Ham, 226
Ham & Broccoli Noodle Casserole, 227
Ham and Cheese Pie, 226
Ham and Cheese Tarts, 47
Hawaiian Grilled Ham, 226
Hawaiian Pineapple Ham Steaks, 227–228
Pineapple Ham, 228
quantities for large groups, 365, 366
Shredded Potato & Ham Pie, 232
Sugar-Cured Ham, 231
Harvey, Homer, 19, 26–27
Harrison, Elaine, 46
Hartzog, Betty, 264, 271, 287, 303
Hawkins, Peggy, 111
Hester, Ellen 208, 255, 337
Hicks, Stacey, 195
Hoganson, Melissa, 145, 174, 299, 359
Ice cream desserts. See Frozen desserts and salads
Ingredient equivalents chart, 368–370
Ingredient substitutions chart, 370–371
Jacobs, Kitty, 116, 125, 269
Jams and jellies
Apple Butter, 80
Apple-Mint Jelly, 80
Blueberry Jam, 81
Fig Preserves, 81
Fig-Strawberry Preserves, 81
Green Tomato Marmalade, 82
Guava Jelly, 82
Kudzu Blossom Jelly, 83
Muscadine Marmalade, 84
Oven Apple Butter, 84
Peach Preserves, 83
Scuppernong Jelly, 84–85
Strawberry Preserves, 85
Jenkins, Joanne, 150
Johnston, Ginny, 192
Joiner, Patsy, 235, 341
Kennedy, Delinda, 345
Kids’ recipes
Ants on a Log, 358
Banana Boats, 358
Blizzard Party Mix, 358
Cherry Fluff, 358
Chicken Feed, 359
Cornflake Peanut Butter Balls, 359
Dirt Cake, 359
Double Strawberry-Banana Shake, 359
Frozen Orange Balls, 360
Garbage Bag Candy, 360
Homemade Butter, 360
Ice Cream Sandwich Dessert, 360–361
Pea-Choc, 361
Peanut Butter Balls, 361
S’mores, 361
Snow Ice Cream, 362
Yummy Candy, 362
Kitchen, Carolyn, 187
cooking guide, 372
Roast Leg of Lamb with Mint Sauce, 257
Landress, Mary, 202
Lee, into the casserole dish and bake for
Harper, 12–13
Lee, Joyce, 80
Cool Lemon Sherbet, 323
Easy Lemon Pie, 330–331
Easy Lemon Squares, 267
Frozen Lemonade Pie, 333
Frozen Lemon Squares, 268
Lemonade, 65
Lemon Lush, 352–353
Lemon Meringue Cake, 295
Lemon Meringue Pie, 336–337
Lemon Sauce, 134
Lemon Sponge Custard, 353
Lemon Sponge Pie, 337
Lemon Squares, 270–271
Lemon Tea Sandwiches, 51
Luscious Lemon Cream Salad, 114–115
Strawberry Lemonade, 69
Lewis, Rose, 181, 236, 348
Key Lime Pie, 336
Logan, Buddy, 109
Massey, Deborah, 69
Marks, Dot, 171, 181, 193, 210
McDowell, Nada, 165, 172, 199
McLendon, Gena, 197
McMillan, Joan, 205, 353
McMillan, Yvonne, 43, 159
Measurement equivalents chart, 368
Menu examples, 32–36
Miller, Marilyn, 183, 245
Minton, Thomas, 16
Mitchell, Margaret, 18
Morris, Nancy, 232
Mother’s Day menu, 33
Apple Muffins, 153
Blueberry Muffins, 156
Bran Muffins, 154
Corn Bread or Corn Muffins, 154
Muscadine grapes
Muscadine Marmalade, 84
Muse, Juanita, 64, 207, 265, 330, 334
Native Americans, contributions of, 15
New Southern Cuisine, 15–16
New Year’s Day menu, 32
Nichols, Barbara, 323
Nicholson, Jill, 95, 191
Nuts and seeds. See also Pecans; Walnuts
Banana-Nut Bread, 140
Chicken Feed, 359
Cranberry Nut Topping, 355
Grandma’s Strawberry Nut Loaf, 144
Pineapple Nut Cake, 302
storage tip, 62
Sugared Nuts, 57
White Chocolate Macadamia Nut Cookies, 322
O’Kelley, Sue, 215
Boiled Okra, 171
Fried Okra, 184
Georgia Okra, 186
Okra and Tomatoes, 195
Olive Spread Tea Sandwiches, 51
Spiced Olives, 54
Baked Vidalia Onions, 166–167
Chutney-Onion Cheese Spread, 86
Fried Onion Rings, 184
Georgia Okra, 186
Onion Pie, 195
Roasted Vidalia Onion Salad, 117
Vidalia Onion Casserole, 208
Vidalia Onion Pie, 208
Vidalia Onion Shortcake, 209
Virginia’s Vidalia Onion Dip, 58
Almond and Orange Salad, 100
Ambrosia, 100–101
Amy’s Orange Pineapple Layer Cake, 273
Cranberry-Orange Relish, 126
Frozen Orange Balls, 360
Orange-Coconut Cake, 298
Orange Fluff, 119
Orange-Pecan Glazed Chicken and Wild Rice, 245
Spiced Mixed Fruit, 201
Osburn, Kristen, 359
Oven chart, 367
Oyster Dip, 51
Pine-Bark Stew, 251
Scalloped Oysters, 252–253
Seafood Gumbo, 253
Southern Fried Oysters, 255
Pace, Dorothy, 153
Page, Donna, 119
Crêpes, 158–159
Pancakes, 159
Pan sizes, 373–374
Blue Willow Inn’s Mac & Cheese, 169
Chicken Macaroni, 237
Chicken Noodle Delight, 238
Chicken Pecan Pasta, 238–239
Chicken Tetrazzini, 240–241
Ham & Broccoli Noodle Casserole, 227
Lasagna, 216–217
Macaroni and Cheese and Corn Bake, 192
Pasta Salad, 113
quantities for large groups, 365
Rice-A-Roni Salad, 118
Slow-Cooker Macaroni and Cheese, 199
Bridge-Luncheon Frozen Fruit Salad, 103
Fried Pies, 332
Georgia Peach Champagne Punch, 71
Georgia Peach Soup, 93
Hot Curried Fruit, 191
Peach Cobbler, 346
Peach Preserves, 83
Pickled Peaches, 126–127
Sherried Fruit, 198–199
Texas Governor’s Mansion Summer Peach Tea
Punch, 76
Peanut butter
Coca-Cola Cake with Broiled Peanut Butter
Frosting, 283
Cornflake Peanut Butter Balls, 359
Cream Cheese Peanut Bars, 265
Nell’s Peanut Butter Cake, 297
Pea-Choc, 361
Peanut Butter Balls, 361
Peanut Butter Cake, 298–299
Peanut Butter Pie, 339
Peanut Soup, 93
Yummy Candy, 362
Cranberry-Pear Fruit Jellies, 310–311
Hot Curried Fruit, 191
Mama Smith’s Pear Delight, 114
Sherried Fruit, 198–199
Creamed Peas, 178
Green Pea Casserole, 188
Minted Peas, 193
Banana-Nut Bread, 140
Blueberry-Banana-Pecan-Nut Cake, 277
Buttermilk Pralines, 310
Feud Cake, 287
Julian’s Pecan Pie, 334
Orange-Pecan Glazed Chicken and Wild Rice, 245
Pecan-Encrusted Chicken, 246
Pecan Topping, 355
Pralines, 314–315
Ranch House Salad with Pecan Vinaigrette, 115
Southern Delight Butter Pecan Cake, 306–307
Sugared Nuts, 57
Bread and Butter Pickles, 124
Watermelon Pickles, 128
Pickling and canning fruits and vegetables, 88
Amelia Mud Pie, 325
Apple Pie, 325
Best Banana Pie, The, 326
Buttermilk Pie, 326
Cherry Cheese Pie, 326–327
Chess Pie, 327
Chicken Pie with Sweet Potato Crust, 239
Chocolate Chess Pie, 327
Chocolate Lovers’ Easy Pie, 328
Chocolate Meringue Pie, 328
Coconut Cream Pie, 329
Coconut Pie, 330
Double-Layer Pumpkin Pie, 329
Dried Apple & Egg Custard Pie, 330
Easy Lemon Pie, 330–331
Egg Custard Pie, 331
French Silk Chocolate Pie, 331
Fried Pies, 332
Fried Sweet Potato Pies, 332–333
Frozen Lemonade Pie, 333
Graham Cracker Piecrust, 333
Green Tomato Pie, 188–189
Ham and Cheese Pie, 226
Ice Cream Pie, 334
Julian’s Pecan Pie, 334
Julian’s Sweet Potato Pie, 335
Key Lime Pie, 336
Lemon Meringue Pie, 336–337
Lemon Sponge Pie, 337
Meringue, 337
Mississippi Mud Pie, 338
Old South Berry Blue Pie, 338–339
Onion Pie, 195
Pastry Piecrust, 340
Pawley’s Island Pie, 339
Peanut Butter Pie, 339
Pumpkin Pie, 340
quantities for large groups, 365
Shirley’s Chess Pie, 340
Shredded Potato & Ham Pie, 232
Snow-Capped Chocolate Pie, 341
Steve’s Favorite Pie, 341
Vidalia Onion Pie, 208
Amy’s Orange Pineapple Layer Cake, 273
Baked Pineapple Casserole, 168
Cream Cheese and Pineapple Finger Sandwiches, 42
Fresh Fruit and Cheese in Pineapple Wedges, 110–111
Hawaiian Grilled Ham, 226
Hawaiian Pineapple Ham Steaks, 227–228
Pineapple Ham, 228
Pineapple Nut Cake, 302
Pineapple Sherbet, 324
Pineapple Squares, 271
Pineapple Upside-Down Cake, 302–303
Sherried Fruit, 198–199
Baked Pork Chops, 222
Baked Pork Chops and Rice, 222
Casserole of Chops, 222–223
cooking guide, 372
Fried Fatback (also know as Streak O’Lean), 224
Fried Pork Chops, 225
importance of in Southern cooking, 14
Pork Roast, 228
Pork Tenderloin, 228–229
Roast Pork Creole, 230
Roast Pork with Spiced Cherry Sauce, 229
Posner, Nancy, 49, 83, 352, 354
Cheesy Ham Potato Casserole, 223
Creamed Potatoes or Mashed Potatoes, 179
Dandelion Potato Salad, 107
Gourmet Potato Salad, 112–113
Holiday Mashed Potatoes, 190
Louis’ Potato Salad, 114
Mashed Potato Cakes, 192–193
Potatoes au Gratin, 196
Potato Soufflé, 196–197
Potato Soup, 96
quantities for large groups, 365
Red New Potatoes, 197
Roasted New Potatoes, 197
Scalloped Potatoes, 198
Shredded Potato & Ham Pie, 232
Twice-Baked Potatoes, 206
Poultry, 372
Powell, Cherie, 38, 241, 314
Preserves. See Jams and jellies
Pressley, Susan, 23
Price, Reynolds, 13, 15
Alabama “Blue Ribbon” Banana Pudding, 342
Banana Pudding, 342
Blue Willow Corn Pudding, 169
Bread Pudding, 343
Chocolate Pudding, 344
Corn Pudding, 177
Indian Pudding, 344
Rice Pudding, 344
River Club Bread Pudding, 343
Strawberry Pudding, 345
Double-Layer Pumpkin Pie, 329
Pumpkin Pie, 340
Auntie Lucille’s Punch, 68–69
Bourbon-Tea Punch, 67
Champagne Punch, 70
Chatham Artillery Punch, 70
Coffee Punch, 71
Georgia Peach Champagne Punch, 71
Ice Mold, 73
labels for, 61
Magnolia Punch, 72
Minted Tea Punch, 72
Miss Betty Rob’s Southern Punch, 73
Peppermint Punch, 74
Punch for a Crowd, 74
Request Punch, 74
Sweet Tart Punch, 75
Texas Governor’s Mansion Summer Peach Tea
Punch, 76
tips, 61
Veranda Tea Punch, 76
John Lowe’s Quail, 256–257
Sautéed Quail, 258
quantities for large groups, 364–366
Fried Young Rabbit, 256
Bran Raisin Bread, 140
Carrot-Raisin Salad, 104
Raisin Sauce, 134–135
Raspberry Sauce, 135
Sexy Raspberry Salad, 119
Apple Chutney, 124
Cabbage Relish, 125
Chow-Chow, 125
Corn Salsa, 126
Cranberry-Orange Relish, 126
Red Cabbage and Cranberry Relish, 127
Tomato Chutney, 127
Tomato Relish, 128
Baked Pork Chops and Rice, 222
Chicken and Rice, 234
Chicken and Rice Casserole, 235
Dried Fruit Pilaf, 180
Green Rice, 187
Journey Cakes, 155
Rice-A-Roni Salad, 118
Rice Pudding, 344
Savannah Red Rice, 198
Savannah Shrimp and Rice, 252
Vegetable Pilaf, 207
Robinson, Ashlee, 331
Rushing, Jeannie, 230
Rutabagas, 197
Salad dressings. See also Vinaigrettes
quantities for large groups, 365
ABC Salad, 99
Al Fresco Watermelon Salad, 100
Almond and Orange Salad, 100
Ambrosia, 100–101
Amy’s Salad, 101
Apple Cole Slaw, 101
Blueberry Salad, 102
bowl recommendation, 89
Bridge-Luncheon Frozen Fruit Salad, 103
Broccoli Salad, 103
Buttermilk Congealed Salad, 104
Carrot-Raisin Salad, 104
Chicken Salad, 104
Cole Slaw, 105
Company Chicken Salad, 106
Corn Bread Salad, 105
Cottage Cheese Salad, 105
Crunchy Apple Salad, 106
Curried Sweet Potato Salad, 107
Dandelion Potato Salad, 107
Daylily Salad, 108
Elegant Chicken Salad, 108
Family-Favorite Layered Salad, 108–109
Fresh Fruit and Cheese in Pineapple Wedges, 110–111
Friendship, or Doug’s Favorite, Salad, 109
Frozen Bing Cherry Salad, 102
Gourmet Potato Salad, 112–113
Grape Salad, 110
Holiday Mincemeat Salad, 111
Horseradish Salad, 112
Hot Chicken Salad, 111
Kraut Salad, 113
Louis’ Potato Salad, 114
Luscious Lemon Cream Salad, 114–115
Mama Smith’s Pear Delight, 114
Marinated Vegetable Salad, 112
Millionaire Salad, 116
Molded Egg Salad, 116
North Georgia Caviar, 117
“Not Apple Salad!”, 118
Orange Fluff, 119
quantities for large groups, 364, 365
Ranch House Salad with Pecan Vinaigrette, 115
Rice-A-Roni Salad, 118
Roasted Vidalia Onion Salad, 117
Sexy Raspberry Salad, 119
Spinach-Strawberry Salad, 120
Tomato Zucchini Salad, 120
Waldorf Salad, 121
Watergate Salad (also known as Green Stuff), 121
Sams, Barbara, 118, 209, 319
Asparagus Sandwiches, 38
Cream Cheese and Pineapple Finger Sandwiches, 42
Cucumber Party Sandwiches, 43
Famous Tomato Sandwiches, 44–45
Lemon Tea Sandwiches, 51
Olive Spread Tea Sandwiches, 51
quantities for large groups, 366
Tea Sandwiches, 58
Tuna Salad Mini Sandwiches, 58
Baked Cranberry Sauce, 130
Blueberry Sauce, 130
Bourbon Sauce, 130
Cabernet Cranberries, 131
Carolina Low Country Dressing, 131
Cheese Sauce, 131, 223
Chunky Cranberry Applesauce, 132
Classic Hollandaise Sauce, 132
Cold Sabayon Sauce, 343
Cream Sauce, 254
Creole Sauce, 230
Dijon Sauce, 133
Dill Sauce, 133
Ginger Sauce, 133
Lemon Sauce, 134
Marchand de Vin Sauce, 134
Mint Sauce, 257
Raisin Sauce, 134–135
Raspberry Sauce, 135
Shrimp Sauce for Vegetables, 135
Sour Cream Sauce, 220–221
Tartar Sauce, 136
White Sauce, 136, 164–165, 182
Kraut Salad, 113
Saunders, Jane, 347
Baked Beans, 166
Christmas Breakfast Casserole, 223
Double Oink Roll-Ups, 44
Granny Julia’s Sausage Bread, 144–145
Lasagna, 216–217
Lynn’s Sausage Casserole, 218
Sausage and Egg Casserole, 230
Sausage and Gravy, 231
Sausage Balls in Cheese Pastry, 53
Sausage Biscuits, 152
Sausage Casserole, 231
Sausage Gravy, 138
Pine-Bark Stew, 251
Scuppernong grapes
Scuppernong Jelly, 84–85
Scuppernong Juice, 85
Sears, Janice “Sams”, 119
Sears, Richard, 227
Seiler, Lee, 192
Sexton, Billie, 326
Hot Shrimp Dip, 48–49
Pine-Bark Stew, 251
Savannah Shrimp and Rice, 252
Seafood au Gratin, 254
Seafood Gumbo, 253
Shrimp & Wild Rice Casserole, 254–255
Shrimp Dip, 53
Shrimp Mold, 54
Shrimp Sauce for Vegetables, 135
Shrimp Wrapped in Bacon, 54
Smith, Alma K.,46, 73, 155
Smith, Jeanne, 75, 268, 344
Smith, Robin, 45
Social Circle, Georgia, 19, 26
Social Circle Church of God, 19, 26–27
Sommerville, Sherrie, 69
Soups, stews, and chowders
Ann Lowe’s Chicken Stew, 90
Bob’s Blue Ribbon Favorite, “Rileyhouse Beef Stew”, 213
Brunswick Stew, 90
Catfish Stew, 248
Chicken and Dumplings, 90–91
Corn Chowder, 91
Crab Chowder, 92
Easy Oven Stew, 214
Garbanzo Bean Soup (Chickpeas), 92
Georgia Peach Soup, 93
Jill’s Vegetable Soup, 94–95
Louis’ Dad’s North Carolina Brunswick Stew, 94
Maryland Vegetable Crab Soup, 95
Minestrone Soup, 96
Peanut Soup, 93
Pine-Bark Stew, 251
Potato Soup, 96
President Ronald Reagan’s Favorite Beef Stew, 219
quantities for large groups, 366
Quick-and-Easy Clam Chowder, 97
Seafood Gumbo, 253
She-Crab Soup, 97
Sherry Soup, 98
Tomato-Basil Cream Soup, 98
Vegetable Soup, 99
Venison Stew, 259
Southern cooking
definition, 14
down-home cuisine, 14
evolution of, 16
methods for preparing, 15
New Southern Cuisine, 15–16
passing down recipes, decline in, 16
staples of, 15
Southern culture
hospitality, 11–12
manners, 12
pace of life, 12–13
speech patterns, 13
vocabulary, 13–14
Flamingo Floyd’s Spinach Dip, 45
Hot Spinach Artichoke Dip, 49
Spinach Balls, 55
Spinach Dip, 55
Spinach Roll-Ups, 55
Spinach-Strawberry Salad, 120
Spoon breads
Southern Spoon Bread, 149
Spoon Bread, 149
Cheese Spread, 85
Chutney-Onion Cheese Spread, 86
Cranberry-Ambrosia Cream Cheese Spread, 86
Garlic Cheese Spread, 86–87
Nasturtium Spread, 87
Pepper Jelly Spread, 88
Pimiento Cheese Spread, 87
Watercress Dip or Spread, 59
Fried Squash, 185
Marinated Vegetable Salad, 112
Skillet Squash, 200
Sophia’s Squash Casserole, 200
Squash Casserole, 201
Squash Dressing, 202
Stuffed Zucchini Squash, 203
Yellow Squash and Tomatoes, 210
Fried Squirrel, 256
Stanhope, Debra, 199
Staples, Sue, 237
Stephens, Betty, 207, 349
Stews. See Soups, stews, and chowders
Bridge-Luncheon Frozen Fruit Salad, 103
Double Strawberry-Banana Shake, 359
Fig-Strawberry Preserves, 81
Fresh Fruit and Cheese in Pineapple Wedges, 110–111
Glaze for Strawberries, 356
Grandma’s Strawberry Nut Loaf, 144
Spinach-Strawberry Salad, 120
Strawberries with Fluffy Cream Cheese Dip, 56
Strawberries with Mint Yogurt Dip, 56
Strawberry Cake, 307
Strawberry Candies, 315
Strawberry Delight, 354
Strawberry Lemonade, 69
Strawberry Preserves, 85
Strawberry Pretzel Delight, 272
Strawberry Pudding, 345
Strawberry Shortcake, 308
Stewart, Fran, 120
Stone, Ariann, 110
Stuffing. See Dressing or stuffing
Substitutions chart, 370–371
Sugar snap peas
Sugar Snap Peas with Bacon Dressing, 205
Suggs, Judy, 144
Supper, 14
Sweet potatoes
Candied Yams, 171
Chicken Pie with Sweet Potato Crust, 239
Cornwallis Yams, 178
Curried Sweet Potato Salad, 107
Fried Sweet Potato Pies, 332–333
Julian’s Sweet Potato Pie, 335
Mom’s Sweet Potato Casserole, 194
Sweet Potato Biscuits, 152
Sweet Potato Bread, 150
Sweet Potato Crust, 239
Sweet Potato Puffs, 204
Sweet Potato Soufflé, 204
Yams Louie, 209
Thanksgiving dinner menu, 34–35
Tomatoes. See also Green tomatoes
Catholic Church ban on, 15
Eggplant and Tomatoes, 181
Famous Tomato Sandwiches, 44–45
Fried Red Tomatoes and Creamed Gravy, 184–185
Okra and Tomatoes, 195
quantities for large groups, 365, 366
Skillet Tomatoes and Zucchini, 199
Stewed Tomatoes, 202
Stuffed Cherry Tomatoes, 56–57
Tomato-Basil Cream Soup, 98
Tomato Chutney, 127
Tomato-Corn Casserole, 205
Tomato Gravy, 138
Tomato Relish, 128
Tomato Zucchini Salad, 120
Yellow Squash and Tomatoes, 210
Ambrosia Topping, 354
Blueberry Topping, 355
Cranberry Nut Topping, 355
Pecan Topping, 355
Trammel, Karol, 113, 117, 284
Tribble, Mildred, 100
Tuna Casserole, 255
Tuna Salad Mini Sandwiches, 58
Turkey, 372
Martha Washington’s Turkey Potpie, 242–243
quantities for large groups, 365, 366
Roast Turkey, 246
Turner, Carole, 262
Twain, Mark, 13
Upshaw, Bertha, 17, 18
Upshaw, John Phillips, Jr., 17–19
Upshaw, John Phillips, Sr., 18
Upshaw, Redd, 18
Upshaw, Sanders, 18
Upshaw Gannon, Nell, 17, 19
Van Dyke, Billie
Billie’s at the American Legion, 25–26, 27, 29
Billie’s Classic Country Dining, 23–25
Billie’s Family Restaurant, 25
catering business, 23
childhood of, 21
children of, 22
china collection, 17, 20
death of son, 23
financial problems, 29–30
food, interest in, 21, 22
marriage to Bill Edgerly, 21–22
marriage to Louis, 22
media interest in, 31
meeting Louis, 22
move from Atlanta, 23
prayers about restaurant, 28, 30
reunion with Dennis Baker, 22–23
Upshaw mansion, interest in, 26–28
Upshaw mansion, purchase of, 19, 29
Upshaw mansion, renovation of, 19–20, 29
volunteer work of, 22
Van Dyke, Louis
Billie’s at the American Legion, 25–26, 27, 29
Billie’s Classic Country Dining, 23–25
Billie’s Family Restaurant, 25
career change, 23
china collection, 17, 20
financial problems, 29–30
friendship with Edgerly family, 22
Lewis Grizzard meeting, 30–31
marriage to Billie, 22
move from Atlanta, 23
prayers about restaurant, 28
Upshaw mansion, interest in, 26–28
Upshaw mansion, purchase of, 19, 29
Upshaw mansion, renovation of, 19–20, 29
U.S. Navy service of, 22
Vargas, Ada, 329
Veal, 372
Asparagus Vegetable Casserole, 164–165
Farmer’s Garden Stew, 182–183
Fritters, 141
Jill’s Vegetable Soup, 94–95
Marinated Vegetable Salad, 112
Maryland Vegetable Crab Soup, 95
pickling and canning, 88
quantities for large groups, 364
Vegetable Casserole, 207
Vegetable Pilaf, 207
Vegetable Soup, 99
Venison Stew, 259
Garlic Vinaigrette, 117
Pecan Vinaigrette, 115
Walden, Kathy, 291, 328
Walker, Marilyn 106, 152
Apple Walnut Cake, 274
Pineapple Nut Cake, 302
Water chestnuts
Bacon-Chestnut Appetizers, 38
Al Fresco Watermelon Salad, 100
quantities for large groups, 365
Watermelon Cake, 309
Watermelon Pickles, 128
Wild rice
Orange-Pecan Glazed Chicken and Wild Rice, 245
Shrimp & Wild Rice Casserole, 254–255
Wilson, Bernice, 128, 185, 251, 316
Yams. See Sweet potatoes
Strawberries with Mint Yogurt Dip, 56
Farmer’s Garden Stew, 182–183
Skillet Tomatoes and Zucchini, 199
Stuffed Zucchini Squash, 203
Tomato Zucchini Salad, 120
Zucchini-Parmesan Appetizer Bread, 150